PASS Summit 2018: Where I’ll Be
I don't know where the last year went, but it's once again time for PASS Summit. It really doesn't feel like a year has passed! This will be my seventh PASS Summit as an attendee and my sixth as a speaker. I know I'm extremely fortunate to have been able to attend and present so many times, and am looking to the incredibly fun – and exhausting – week ahead! Be sure to follow me on Twitter as I will have plenty of updates throughout the week. Here's what I'll be up to:
SQL Saturday Portland
My first stop is Portland, Oregon, where I'm delivering a session on Azure Cosmos DB at their SQL Saturday. I know I've said this before, but SQL Saturday Portland really is an incredible event. It's also one of my tips for getting the most out of PASS Summit. If you're ever able to swing by Portland on your way to Seattle for summit, I highly recommend it.
On Sunday, I'll be catching the SQLTrain to Seattle. This year our crew is bigger than ever, and we have two private train cars rented out! Keep an eye on the #SQLTrain hashtag on Twitter for updates on all of our adventures.
Once in Seattle, I'm very happy to be attending a full day pre-conference session this year. I'm really looking forward to soaking up all the knowledge I can in Modernize Your SQL Server with Bob Ward, the Tiger Team, and CSS Escalation Engineers. This session is led by some of the best of the best, and several of my heroes on the SQL Server engineering team. I am absolutely stoked for this one.

I'm presenting not one but two sessions this year, so I will most definitely be present for those! I've blogged about this previously, so you can find out all the details in my post: Presenting Two Sessions at PASS Summit 2018!
Live Blogs
I'm very lucky to have a seat at the official blogger table this year, and will be live blogging the keynotes taking place on Wednesday and Thursday. If you can't be present at the convention center, come to my website and I will make sure you know everything that's happening. I'm really looking forward to this opportunity!
…And Everything Else
Aside from all the things I just mentioned, for the few hours per day that I'm not sleeping I will be out and about catching up with old friends, hopefully making new ones, attending sessions, playing hooky, hanging out in the community zone, and attending a wide variety of after-hours events. Here's the ones I'm currently planning to be at, though I'm sure I will end up at others as well:

- Friends of Redgate Dinner
- PASS Women in Tech Happy Hour
- PASS Summit v.20 Celebration
- PASS Summit Volunteer Party
- SQLKaraoke 2018
- PASS Summit Exhibitor Reception
- SentryOne VIP Party
- PASS the Bacon Breakfast Seminar
- Happy Hour with Idera
- LGBTQ Meetup
And on top of all this I'll also be trying to squeeze in some sightseeing and grab food from my favorite places. It also wouldn't be PASS Summit without at least one pilgrimage to Bush Garden, the (former) restaurant and (still) karaoke bar with an incredible history.
It's going to be an exhausting but extremely rewarding week! If you're going to be at PASS Summit 2018, I really hope to see you at some point! Please come find me, or drop me a line on Twitter and I'll let you know where I'm at!