What We’re Thankful For: Wrap-Up
Two weeks ago I decided to kick off the holiday season by asking people to write about what they were thankful for. I was very fortunate to get three great responses, which I am happy to share in no particular order (which just so happens to be the order I received them in).
Chris Yates (@YatesSQL) says that after attending PASS Summit 2014 he had the epiphany that the people make all the difference in our community, and encourages us all to take a moment and thank someone who has helped us along the way. I couldn't agree more, Chris. We all have at least one person (probably many more!) who has mentored us in some way – we should let them know how grateful we are!
Mickey Stuewe (@SQLMickey) starts off by saying "I'm thankful for a lot and not appreciative of enough." Not only is she thankful for her nutritionist, her husband, and the SQL Community, but also for how fortunate she has been. Mickey mentions that she's heard many sobering stories of how some of us got to where we are today the hard way, and I know I have as well. She also writes that she is going to thank some specific people privately, and encourages the rest of us to do the same. That actually sounds like a really good idea – I just may do that myself!
Cathrine Wilhelmsen (@cathrinew) is thankful for her family, friends, coworkers, and her SQL family. She's also thankful that she's in a position to be able to help others, has good health, an excellent job, and many other things. She sums it up perfectly by saying "I'm thankful I have so many things to be thankful for." Cathrine does an excellent job of pointing out that a lot of our blessings are things we probably take for granted a little more than we should.
And then there's my post, which you're free to read either by scrolling down or clicking here. I'm grateful for a lot of things, but one thing I forgot to mention is that I'm thankful for Chris, Mickey, and Cathrine taking the time out of their busy schedules to participate in this post. Thanks a bunch! And I hope all my readers enjoy the rest of the holiday season.